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20 items
Collection created by Jeff Leer, originally comprised of 22 audio cassette tapes
2 items
In this collection, Joe Kelly interviews Larry Matfay about ciqlluaq (sod house) construction.
8 items
In this collection, Deborah Robinson interviews Bobby Stamp between 1988 and 1989 about the Alutiiq dictionary, land and sea otter hunting, collecting sea lion whiskers with Knecht at Mission Beach, and Exxon oil spill narratives.
6 items
This collection was created by Jeff Leer in 1990. The collection was originally comprised of 7 audio cassette tapes.
15 items
This collection was created by Deborah Robinson. It contains interviews with speakers from Kaguyak, Eagle Harbor, Aiaktalik, Kanatak, Afognak, and Woody Island.
187 items
This collection contains recordings created during master-apprentice language lessons for the Qik'rtarmiut Alutiit language project funded by the Administration for Native Americans (2003-2007).
10 items
This collection includes Alutiiq songs, stories, and Church services.
18 items
This collection is a compilation of speakers who have shared biographical information and images.