Joe Kelly Interviews Larry Matfay
Joe Kelly Interviews Larry Matfay
In this collection, Joe Kelly interviews Larry Matfay about ciqlluaq (sod house) construction.
Kodiak Area Native AssociationThis recording is from a KANA project. The interview is recorded in two audio files.
Digital Heritage Items
Digital Heritage
Language LearningCategory
Speaking to Joe Kelly, Larry Matfay describes the kenirwik (kitchen), qawarwik (bedroom), windows, and sealskin hangings found in ciqlluaqs. He also describes how they were heated and how food was cooked. (In English)Digital Heritage
Language LearningCategory
Speaking to Joe Kelly, Larry Matfay describes how to construct a ciqlluaq (sod house), including details about the foundation, the use of grass and sod in building the walls, and the construction of a maqiwik (banya). (In English)