Alfred Quijance

Born in California, Alfred Quijance grew up speaking Alutiiq and moved to Kodiak when he was eleven years old. He and his wife Helen now live in Seldovia, where he enjoys carpentry and eating traditional foods such as duck, seal, and baidarkies.
Cultural Narrative: 

"Nertaarlukuk Alutiit'stun. Isuwimek, mamaayat, saqulaamek, uriitamek."

"We eat Alutiiq foods. Seal, clams, duck, baidarkies."

Traditional Knowledge: 

Born in California, Alfred Quijance grew up speaking Alutiiq and moved to Kodiak when he was eleven years old. He and his wife Helen now live in Seldovia, where he enjoys carpentry and eating traditional foods such as duck, seal, baidarkies, pushkis, and salt fish. He remembers how everyone from grandchildren to grandmas used to gather together to split and dry fish when he was a child. His Alutiiq name is Cugniaq ("Junior").

Location Description: 

Kodiak, Alaska