Rhoda Moonin
Rhoda Moonin was born and raised in Nanwalek. When she was growing up, there were only about 74 people living there. Without stores, electricity, or TV, Rhoda and her siblings ate off the land, played on the beach, and listened to their uncle telling stories for entertainment. While in grade school, Rhoda learned how to write in Sugt'stun from Jeff Leer. She went on to use this knowledge, as well as her fluency in Sugt'stun, in her role as a language coordinator in an immersion preschool together with her sister Sally Ash.
"Unugmi urtuwik'gka. Maamamta p'ricaraa stuuluq, taumi aqumluta natermen. Angamta, Sergei Moonin, quliyanguilluta quliyanguallranek. Qangirllaakcit quliyanguat tamaakut.
Nunanikllaak'gka. Qai-llun TV-klluku taugna. Quliyanguaqami cali aigani pateg'klluki. Cacat kallagt'stluki. Asiikllaak'gka tamaana."
"At night I did the dishes. Our mother cleaned the table, and then we sat on the floor. Our uncle, Sergei Moonin, told us stories. Those old stories. It was so much fun. He was like our TV. When he told stories he'd move his hands. He'd make things make noises. I loved that."