Phyllis Peterson
Born in Kaguyak to Walter and Dunia Melovedoff, Phyllis Peterson is one of eight children. She moved to Akhiok after the 1964 tidal wave and lived there for many years before relocating to Kodiak. Her memories include going berrypicking with her siblings, carrying water and washing clothes by hand, and hunting bears with her father. She is a valued contributor to the revitalization community, sharing her knowledge of songs, traditional foods and customs, and the Alutiiq language.
"Qut'gun kuinglluta. Alagnarsurluta. Qukaami guangkuta englupet, you know. Not even fifteen, twenty minutes to walk. To get alagnaqs on the little hill up there. Aguryat."
"We'd walk on the beach. We'd pick berries. Our house was in the middle, you know. Not even fifteen, twenty minutes to walk. To get berries on the little hill up there. Blackberries."