Clyda Christiansen
Clyda Christiansen lived in Larsen Bay and Karluk. Clyda shared stories and oral histories, which are contained in the Alutiiq Museum collections.Description:
Clyda Christiansen lived in Larsen Bay and Karluk. Clyda shared stories and oral histories, which are contained in the Alutiiq Museum collections. One story many are familiar with is The Woman Who Became a Bear on the Generations (2007) CD. She was also interviewed several times by Jeff Leer at the Dig Afognak Elders Camps in the late 1990s, and was a valued contributor to the Kodiak area language preservation efforts.
Cultural Narrative:
"Llaamen lluuwaryatusqlluta guangkuta angiskuni ai. Uswiillraani. Qungat'sluta, taumi quyarn'illkiikut. Anwagt'sta lluuwarluta."
"We'd ask to go sledding when he returned. His children. He'd bundle us up, and then we wouldn't get cold. Then we went out to sled."
Location Description:
Kodiak, Alaska