Kathryn Chichenoff

Kathryn Chichenoff was born in Karluk in 1937, and is renowned for her knowledge of the Northern Kodiak style of Alutiiq.

Kathryn Chichenoff was born in Karluk in 1937. Her parents were Larry and Katie Ellanak from Afognak and Cape Douglas, respectively. She has lived in Karluk and Afognak, eventually settling in Kodiak with her husband Sonny and their children. She is renowned for her knowledge of the Northern Kodiak style of Alutiiq, and is called on for assistance in materials development and curriculum design. She has been involved as a fluent consultant on the Alutiiq language since about 2008, and enjoys representing her community on the Alutiiq New Words Council and the Qik’rtarmiut Alutiit Regional Language Advisory Committee.

Cultural Narrative: 

"Silugtua ellpeci Alutiit'stun niuwaluci. Umyaqtaaqa gui, kum'utaaqaitkut. 'Alutiit'stun niuwan'illkici.' " 

"I'm happy to hear you all speaking Alutiiq. I remember, they used to get angry at us. [They would say,] 'Don't speak Alutiiq.' " 


Location Description: 

Kodiak, Alaska