Florence Pestrikoff

Florence Matfay Christiansen Pestrikoff was born in Akhiok in 1937. Although she says she became involved in the Alutiiq language revitalization movement “accidentally,” she has remained involved for nearly 15 years.

Florence Matfay Christiansen Pestrikoff was born in Akhiok in 1937. Her parents were Larry Matfay and Martha Naumoff Matfay. With her first husband, Boris Rolf Christiansen, she had nine children. With her second husband, Charlie Pestrikoff, she had one child. She has lived in Akhiok, Old Harbor, and Kodiak. Although she says she became involved in the Alutiiq language revitalization movement “accidentally,” she has remained involved for nearly 15 years. She is a former voice and consultant for the Alutiiq Word of the Week, has been a member of the Qik’rtarmiut Alutiit Regional Language Advisory Committee, and has been an Alutiiq Language Teacher and consultant since 2003. Her Alutiiq name is Kuukula, which is inherited from her father.

Cultural Narrative: 

"Liitll'ianga niicuwaqainarlua niuwaqata. Arnat niuwataall'iit."

"I learned just by listening when they talked. The women always talked."

Location Description: 

Kodiak, Alaska